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Special Issue: Queer and Now
: Aneil Rallin, Robert Koch, and Trixie G. Smith
Publication date
: 2015-03
Table of Contents
Introduction: Queer and Now Remix
Torches and Metonyms of Freedom
Archival Research as a Queer Practice: “Pull Here”
Incorporating the Medical Gaze in Queer and Transgender Life Writing and Video
A Revolving Closet Door: Reflections on “Queerbrown” Teacher Identity
Teaching/Feeling/Writing: A Theatrical Interlude on Affect, Performativity, and Plagiarism
On (Not) Queering Legal Writing
Genderqueering Language at a “Women’s” College
Hey Gurl: Queerness & Romantic Friendship in Poetry
Entering Grey Gardens, Exploring Queer Identifications with the Beales
My Butch Wears a Hot Pink Bra: When Reality Interrupts Theory
The Failure of Queer Pedagogy
Acrobatics of Resistance
Queer Composition Redux: Impossibility toward Futurity
Timepass: A (Queer) View from South Asia
Queer’s Final Frontier?
There Was a Boy
My Queer and Now
Contrary to the Hegemonic Whiteness of Queer Theory in United States
Queer & How?
Proclivities: The Irregular (Dis)Positions of Queer and Composition/Rhetoric Studies
The Queer in Here
A Political Future Beyond Identity
Queer Dilemmas
(Anti-)Climax: Animalqueer/Queeranimal Scatterings
Table of Contents ›
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